Bekas ketua pengarah Majlis Sukan Negara (MSN) Datuk Wira Mazlan Ahmad mengajak kita berfikir di bawah tajuk Bersukan bukan semestinya ke Sukan Olimpik dalam ruangan Pendapat Saya dalam Utusan Malaysia Selasa lalu. Mazlan yang kini penasihat sukan Kementerian Pendidikan menjelaskan dasar-dasar yang diperkenalkan oleh bosnya, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
Antara lain, Mazlan menyebut tidak perlu ada kemudahan seperti gelanggang skuasy, velodrom atau padang bola dengan trek 400m untuk mewujudkan budaya bersukan.
Ada 5.4 juta murid di seluruh negara dan tidak semuanya boleh beraksi sehingga peringkat elit. Sebab itu dasar 1murid, 1sukan menjurus kepada usaha menggalakkan budaya bersukan dari segi penyertaan, pemahaman, pengetahuan dan pembabitan serta lebih bersifat untuk massa.
Untuk program elit, ia di bawah Program Sukan Prestasi Tinggi Sekolah (SPTS) yang diperkenalkan pada 2008 namun pelaksanaannya banyak bergantung kepada kebijaksanaan pengetua atau guru besar. Mazlan menyarankan agar prestasi sukan sekolah turut diambil kira dalam menaikkan pangkat guru besar!
Mazlan turut menggesa bahagian Sukan Kementerian Belia dan Sukan (KBS) mempromosi aktivitinya untuk mengikis tanggapan programnya lebih menjurus ke arah prestasi tinggi!
Rizal let me tell u something about how i went for a olympics because i told myself that this is the highest level a sportsman can go. Now this idiot of sports official say's that don't dream,let me tell u it starts with a dream n in my case it happened.
Mudah dan jelas kenyataan Datuk Mazlan mengenai penggalakkan sukan di sekolah. Penggalakkan sukan penting bukan saja untuk ke Sukan Olimpik atau ke peringkat prestasi tinggi semata-mata. Saya sendiri dapat rasakan penjelasan Datuk Mazlan, juga ditujukan sangat-sangat kepada media dan blogger sukan tempatan. Sekarang banyak ruang media dan blogger tempatan yang "asyik nak melompat" bila memperkatakan sukan. Malangnya, hanya 20 peratus membina, kebanyakan yang lain bikin dunia celaru saja!! Semuanya expert konon!..Blogger dan sesetengah media arus perdana yang setakat nak kata: "itu salah, ini tak betul, itu membazir, ini tak kena..." hanya akan merosakkan lagi perjalanan dan pemahaman sukan negara kita yang tercinta ini!
bro memang bangus la nasihat dato mazlan. yang masalahnya pelaksana di peringkat bawah. tiada sapa nak pantau..yang nak buat kerja berapa kerat. kesian cikgu-cikgu. kesian aku. bersungguh-sunguh tapi takada sapa nak tolong support. BSSK JPN kenala buat kerja lebih sikit.
Olympian, perhaps you should brush up on your bahasa. Mazlan did not say don't dream lah, what he's saying is that not everybody has the capacity to become an elite athlete. the culture of sports has to be cultivated in every student. For every budding athlete who dreams of competing in the ultimate Games, there is a child who has no inkling what a penalty flick is, sin bin, leg before wicket, nutmeg or shuttle drill. Mazlan is saying every child must be given the opportunity to compete or be active in sports or at least be knowledgeable about sports.
No use la if you had competed in the Olympics but do not understand simple bahasa...
anyway if you are really an Olympian, i appreciate it.
Tuan rizal...itu olympian mungkin kurang faham bahasa...semua orang boleh 'dream" sebelum dream kena tidor dulu la. sebelum tido kena penat. nak bagi penat kena main la. main apa juga sukan. tak ada masalah asal main sukan.
nak main sukan ini yang dato mazlan cakap...kena semua aktif bersukan baru masyarakat sihat tak ada penyakit save duit kerajaan tak payah buat banyak hospital.
kalau semua nak masuk olimpik kena cucuk ubat la...baru power...tak gitu tuan olympian.
Kalau la semua ide dato mazlan dapat dilaksanakan di peringkat bawah sure kami di MSN boleh goyang kaki. Kami menyokong penuh semua program KPM.
That is the trouble with people like you when commented on you get personal well rizal let me tell u that my bahasa is ok but u don't seem to get it.What i am trying to say is simple we have officials who talk at national level but do not go to the ground level. Have u seen the pe teachers who come in their baju kurung to track activities.
With the mindset we have (i.e.having blinkers) n please don't stir the semua is ok syndrome sports in Malaysia will be doomed and one more thing i AM A MALAYSIAN.
hey Olympian, i seldom get personal, i get personal when people fail to read or understand, either by choice or design...
to quote you...
Rizal let me tell u something about how i went for a olympics because i told myself that this is the highest level a sportsman can go. Now this idiot of sports official say's that don't dream,let me tell u it starts with a dream n in my case it happened.
April 1, 2010 11:35 AM
this idiot of sports official, so that's not personal?
of course la he knows the situation at grassroots, that's why he suggested that headmasters judged on sports performance as well, this will force them to have a rethink and put qualified coaches to conduct training...
olympian, baca la dulu artikel tu sebelum buat comment. leceh la lu
Everyone who claims to be a sportsmen or women or sports official or have any inclination towards sports MUST...and I will say it again MUST have a passion for sports to see it grow in all fields be it at grassroots or national / elite level.
At times dreaming of achievement doesn't get you where you dreamt off but instead gives your nightmares after what is happening nowadays...fields taken away...or a cement floor for sports day.
Officials of all levels be it at Government agencies or NSAs or SSAs or former Olympian and even OCM have their role to play. If we forget to make dreams as action... it will only be a dream without action.
If at ever a dream has been realised, please I do implore those to do a bit of charity by assisting those who has yet to dream to reach their full potential or to guide them to their furthest distance that their sport's involvement can led them.
Thank you.
Sukan Pembina Negara Sihat.
dear rizal,
I agree with mazlan's comments. Not everyone can be a success in sports but participation is important especially at school level.
the lack of sports in school is not only an issue locally but is similarly faced by numerous countries (be it east or west) what with the advent of video games and the internet.
rio ferdinand in his book "my story" highlights how kids in peckham where he grew up "don't run around anymore". The same rings true here.
However, i'd like to note that we should not force our children into sports. like adults, children have their own talents/capacity and/mr preferences. For me, its just important to let them play.
play? Yes, play. only from play do we get our children to dream... Hehehehe :)
saya seorang pelajar n saya bersekolah di sekolah swasta di gombak.saya amat kecewa apabila sekolah tersebut tidak mementingkan sukan , contohnya untuk mewakili sekolah di MSSD mereka tidak memilih yang terbaik dengan kata lain tidak membuat pemilihan.Pihak sekolah hanya mengisi slot sahaja contohnya pada tahun ini kesemua wakil sekolah dalam semua acara tewas dan guru tidak rase malu pun malah masih bangga.
saya mencadangkan kerajaan membina sebuah akademi khas untuk sukan sahaja.
Salam abg rizal,
Saya sebagai pelajar rasa abang jgn layan Olympian tu becoz dia rasa dia Olympian tapi otak dia tak sampai Olympian pun. Patutnya dia sama-sama menyokong usaha murni KPM nak buat 1murid 1sukan. Kalau tak sampai sukan olimpik pun sekurang-kurangnya semua rakyat Malaysia tak kira kaya or miskin or pandai or bodoh tahu jugalah bersukan...apa abg rizal rasa.
Dear all,
I've read your comments and was fascinated...especially the ones with Olympian...hehehe...don't get heated though...sometimes arguments or better "conflicts of ideas" are good for betterment purposes...
This is my comment:
I think one thing that we need to understand from Datuk Mazlan when he gave that comments was that...IT WAS A COMMENT FROM HIS PERSPECTIVE/STAND AS MOE's SPORTS ADVISER...
Why i say that?...Simple...MOE is usually or normally feel more responsible towards primary and secondary school sudents developments...and bare me that includes academic, morale, attitude, aptitude, discpline, sould, etika, tatasusila, and the list goes us!!!!...NOT JUST SPORTS...
So ask this question to yourself...Can we equip all the millions of students out there with all the skills above????!!!...
So students...if you're not really into sports please you can just choose one...and you don't really need to go for the Olimpics...
So long as it can make u happy and healthy...
Thats what i think Datuk Mazlan was trying to convey...
Just Me...
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