Monday, October 5, 2009

Malaysian Open ATP review 2

Former national hockey skipper S. Kuhan among the spectators

A brand ambassador

Blogger kajang-today and wifey


kajang-today said...

for a national event, the attendance was lousy.
and yes....the food and the food court are lousy, with the operators and their Indon workers were seen cooking under the stairs near to stadium entrance.....hopefully nobody contracted deadly virus/food poisoning

hcfoo said...

kajang-today, it's an international ATP event... everywhere in the world you go, it's always like that especially on weekdays. You cannot compare that with weekend football matches.

hcfoo said...

I would like to add more here..

I think I know why some people don't really enjoy the tournament.. it's because they only go to the final match.

Ask those who came almost everyday (especially at the beginning of the week), they'll tell you how much they enjoyed it.