Thursday, March 5, 2009

FAM tidak boleh dikritik?

Baca di sini. Namun penulis artikel berkenaan tidak membezakan siapa dan latar belakang yang membuat kenyataan. Reduan Abdullah adalah jurulatih Felda United dan bukan pemegang jawatan FAM. Kolonel Kamaruddin Sakhari adalah kakitangan bergaji FAM yang mengecam ahli jawatankuasa pengadil FAM, manakala Khairy Jamaluddin adalah pemimpin No 3, kalau ikut ranking di FAM, yang berani menongkah arus bercakap "the obvious". Dalam kes Soh Chin Aun, kita harus lihat konteks kenyataannya selaku naib pengerusi jawatankuasa pengadil. Dalam setiap organisasi korporat atau bukan kerajaan, pemegang jawatannya terikat dengan kod etika, antara lain, menghalang mereka daripada membuat kenyataan yang boleh membawa gambaran dan imej buruk kepada persatuan. Lainlah kalau Khairy bercakap dari luar seumpama ketika dia membawa MyTeam menentang pasukan Bawah 20 kebangsaan yang dikutuk dan dicaci pada 2006! Bayangkan kalau aku selaku wartawan sukan Malay Mail memburuk-burukkan akhbar aku sendiri menerusi kenyataan akhbar yang antara lain menyentuh kepemimpinan buruk, produk tak terjual, polisi tidak menentu dan akhir sekali mencadangkan Malay Mail digantung setahun sebelum dijual semula?!! Sudah pasti aku dikenakan tindakan. Berbeza jika kenyataan itu dibuat oleh blogger atau orang luar selaku pembaca Malay Mail!


Anonymous said...

SAYA bersetuju bahawa Dato' Azzuddin harus mempertahankan FAM. Itu memang dah jadi tanggungjawab dia. Kalau dia sendiri yang belasah FAM, tunggang terbalik la FAM tu jadinya.

Saya juga bersetuju dengan Azzudin, Reduan tidak sepatutnya 'bercakap' dengan pihak media untuk mempersoalkan perkara-perkara dasar. Cuma yang saya kurang setuju ialah:
1. Hukuman yang terlalu berat dan tidak masuk akal jika ingin dibandingkan dengan kes jenayah seperti meludah pengadil, cuba menyerang dan mengugut pengadil dan sebagainya;

2. Mengapa Reduan saja yang dikenakan tindakan? KJ terlepas. Pengurus Perlis yang mengkritik Pengadil semasa game live Penang lwn perlis pada 10.1.2009 lalu turut tidak diambil tindakan. Kolonel Kamaruddin yang mengkritik anggota jawatankuasa pengadil juga terlepas.

Timbul pertanyaan, apakah kritikan terhadap pengadil tidak salah dan tak perlu diambil tindakan susulan?
Nak tunggu pengadil mati dibom baru nak ambil tindakan?

Anonymous said...

Kritik? Saya simpati dengan saudara Reduan tetapi sudah tentu tidak kepada yang menjawat jawatan di dalam FAM. Wajarnya mereka dihadapkan ke FAM kerana mengkritik secara negatif majikan mereka sendiri (sekalipun takde gaji tetapi elaun tetap dikaut juga - so dikira majikan la). Tetapi kenapa sampai sekarang takde tindakan diambil? Di mana ketelusan dan ketegasan yang dicanang? Jangan hanya berani menghukum mereka yang tidak mampu bersemuka kerana mengkritik tetapi menjadi dayus untuk menghukum mereka yang berkuasa dalam menentukan kedudukan orang lain. Andai FAM berpegang pada prinsip dan peraturan, ayuh, hadapkan segera individu (penjawat jawatan di dalam FAM) untuk dihadapkan ke Jawatankuasa Disiplin untuk dibicarakan dan dihukum jika bersalah. Wallahualam

Unknown said...

FAM can be critised just like any other governing sports body in the world but the people who are running the organisation are a bunch of failures. To compare FAM management now and to the 60's, 70's and 80's, they are at the lowest level from top to the bottom. Talk are cheap with poor excution. Brainstorming for many hours and days in committees/board level with negative result. Sad to hear about M'sia football whereby our country has the world class facilities but no world class players (except squash) and no credible management. It is best to change the whole FAM dept with a group of chosen people who can work with their heart and soul. So long the same people remains, football in M'sia will continue falling and going nowhere. What is so difference about M'sia football in the 60's, 70's and 80's against now? The answer lies in Japan and South Korea....learn from the EAST.

Anonymous said...

KJ berani cakap sebab tadak sapa yang berani ambil action kat dia.
Dia pi bawak budak-budak UM** kat parli*** pun tadak sapa berani nak tahan....

Anonymous said...

bro, sekarang ni kita tunggu dan lihat sama ada SUA @ j/k tatatertib berani amik tindakan terhadap kenyataan yang di beri kj dan che mat jusoh....jangankan tindakan, nak panggil mengadap db pun belum tentu....

p/s: 7pm today tv1 sekilas liga segmen nostalgia visual final merdeka cup 1986 vs czech rep... hung nung,zainal n dollah score... dont miss it.

Anonymous said...

SETUJU dgn KJ tutup saja bola Malaysia ni. Ada bola pun buat menyakitkan hati saja

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Bila Soh Chin Aun dan Kamarudin nak dipanggil berdepan dengan JK Tataertib FAM? Atau saja buat gempaq jer....

Anonymous said...

sapa kata tak boleh kritik? Termaktub dalam perlembagaan Malaysia hak dan kebebasan bersuara rakyat malaysia apa!

Anonymous said...

Selagi FAM dipimpin oleh mereka yang mempunyai kepentingan, selagi itu la FAM dok macam ni juga.

Anonymous said...

Terkenang di Zaman Dato' Paul Mony Samuel memimpin FAM. Jarang timbul masalah dan jika adapun, ianya dapat diselesaikan ibarat menarik rambut dalam tepung.

Semasa pemerintahan beliau, tidak keterlaluan jika dikatakan tempoh paling aman dan bahagia buat keluarga bolasepak Malaysia.

Zaman Dato' Dell pun lebih kurang sama. Semua masalah diselesaikan dengan semangat kekitaan. Cuma tindakan pihak-pihak tertentu yang sengaja 'menjerat' beliau yang membuatkan beliau terpaksa angkat kaki.

Time Ibrahim Saad, walaupun banyak masalah timbul, beliau bersikap terbuka dan tidak memusuhi media.

Zaman sekarang?

Anonymous said...

FAM melalui kenyataan SU Agungnya menyatakan pasukan PDRM dan SDM Kepala Batas akan dilarang meneruskan saingan dalam Liga tempatan jika gagal menyelesaikan bayaran insurans berjumlah hampir 220K kepada FAM pada atau sebelum 13 Mac 2009.

Jika selepas berakhir tarikh tersebut dan bayaran masih tidak dibuat, apakah FAM berani mengambil tindakan seperti yang diperkatakan itu?

Anonymous said...


Jika pada 2006 sekalipun, KJ tetap tidak boleh mencaci FAM sebab jika tidak silap, pada waktu itu beliau adalah Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pengadil FAM.

Unknown said...

FAM perlulah menerima hakikatnya bahawa kritik daripada bekas jurulatih Sathianathan dan Redzuan adalah benar. Adakah FAM sedia mendengar pendapat iklhas mereka sedangkan pemain-pemain di M-League memang pancik dan cepat letih dalam masa 15 mins permainan. Hidup bola mati bola. Gaji lumayan dan kereta pun bagus. macam mana boleh pancit? Kalau tak percaya dengar kritik mereka, cubalah memanggil semua pemain-pemain M-League menjalani ad-hoc test. Kita akan tahu perkara yang sebenar. Bravo Redzuan dan Sathia. You speak the truth except FAM is closing both eyes and turning deaf. Face the truth FAM, the failure of your organisation has cost millions of sponsorship to go out of this country. Imagine, Air Asia emblem is on the EPL referees.

epain said...

kj tak payah perlu dipersoalkan lah kenapa dia lebih kebal dari org lain...

FAM?...mcm biasa jugak...

tak boleh beza kritikan membunuh dan kritikan membina...

mcm mana pulak dengan kenyataan B. sathianathan yg mengatakan bola Msia bukan bolasepak?...dia pun ada cakap pasal pemain tak cergas yg main untuk msia...

Anonymous said...

FAM kata boleh kritik tapi gunakan saluran tertentu. Yang ada jawatan tertentu bolehlah gunakan mesyuarat atau sesi brainstorming sebagai medan untuk mengkritik.

Tapi bagi yang tiada jawatan macam kita ni macam mana?

Anonymous said...

MASALAH di sini siapa yang berani nak ambil tindakan terhadap KJ? Azzuddin berani nak sign surat pertuduhan hantar kat KJ ke?

Anonymous said...

Orang lama,

Masa Datuk Paul Mony memang excellent. walaupun beliau tegas tapi tegas-tegas dia bertempat dan ada sebab musababnya.

Pengerusi JK disiplin yang tegas dan adil pula Datuk Zaman Khan. Beliau tidak pandai berpolitik.

Anonymous said...

Aku tak kira. kalau FAM tak bole kritik, aku nak kritik jugak. Ini hak aku sebagai warganegara malaysia. aku nak pesan pada fam tengok2 la sikit pasal refri.... makin hari makin terok dah.

kalau perlawanan tumpuan tu tarok la ref yang ok sikit. jangan tarok yang cikai punya. kalau perlawanan bagus tapi ref buat slack rosak game tu nanti.

kepada semua ref termasuk sukidin, anggap ini teguran ikhlas. jadikan ini cabaran buat anda semua. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Saudara Rizal - Inilah kandungan memo dari urusetia fam pada 2007 untuk renungan kita bersama sebagai menunjukkan adanya amalan DOUBLE STANDARD dan ini tidak seharus berlaku kepada sekretariat yang menjanjikan ketelusan dan disiplin tinggi.



Dear Staff,

The above matter refers.

It has been brought to my attention lately that some staff's are making press statements without the approval of the General Secretary, especially on policy matters.

Invoking Article 9.05 of the FAM Constitution, please be reminded that NO one is to make any press statement without the prior approval of the General Secretary.

Failing to adhere, this office would not hesitate to institute disciplinary action which could or may result in the termination of service.

Your compliance to the above directive would be much appreciated.

Thank you and kind regards,

General Secretary
Date: 26 Oct 07

X Staff

Anonymous said...

FAM Yang Kuingat (Part I)

KALAU nak mengimbau sejarah silam FAM memang seronok. Jika diceritakan kepada generasi muda, mungkin ada yang tidak percaya.

Pada akhir 70an dan awal 80an, pasukan Malaysia amat digeruni di rantau Asia ini.

Pasukan China pernah kena 3-0, Arab Saudi pun sama. Jepun tu kacang saja nak makan. Kamamoto ke... hiroshima ke... semua senang-senang kita belasah.

Yang betul-betul fight dengan kita cuma Korea Selatan. Saya masih ingat striker dia Cha Bun Kean, Kim Jae Han memang handal. Korea ni pantang leading, mulalah buat-buat injured. Sampaikan kita main kat kampung, orang akan kata taktik korea bila kita jatuh lama sgt.

Negara-negara ASEAN jangan ceritalah. Burma pernah kena 10 atau 11 satu dgn kita. Singapore, kita hantar Selangor atau Pahang saja lawan dia. Tak payah Malaysia.

Hangpa nak tau, suatu masa, FAM tak mau jemput Singapore dan Thailand mai main pestabola. Depa kata takdak standard. Tapi itu buku lama ni yang nak datang cuma Nepal, Bangla, Afghan dan team-team yang rankingnya lebih cikai dari kita.

Grasshopper Zurich Fc (Switzerland), Cruzeiro (Brazil), Boca Junior dgn Maradonanya, Iraq, Maghribi, Kuwait dgn Keepernya Ahmad Al-Tarabushi (pernah jadi Qari Kuwait masa musabaqah) pun pernah kita lanyak di stadium keramat ini.

England B kita pernah seri. Arsenal kalau tak silap saya, pernah melutut dengan kita juga.

Kelab-Kelab EPL yang top-top sekarang banyak yang nak mai main kat ke Stadium Merdeka.

Kalau Kuwait, Jepun, Pak Arab, China dan Korea pernah kata makan, tetapi mengapa sekarang tidak?

..... bersambung

Peminat Veteran

Anonymous said...

Bro pls highlight this article.

TQ and is from voice-in-sports blog.

All the best.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Manindergit Singh - Immovable as the "Rock of Gibraltar"
Maninderjit Singh or popularly known as Mike had been the "solid rock" defender of the Malaysian hockey team for years till the end of the 2002 World Cup.. It has been told that he was seldom substituted as a defender during a game for years, other than getting injured or spending time at the "sin bin". This strong and friendly Punjabi had always given his best for Malaysian hockey and on his retirement, he played a major role in MHF's Disciplinary Committee under the chairmanship of the late Datuk Ho Koh Chye.

Like many former hockey internationals, he is proud of his time with Malaysian hockey and he believes that when he retired, it becomes a paramount duty of the existing internationals to carry the "flame" and keep Malaysian hockey aflame with success. When the rot in Malaysian hockey set in and the continual dismal performance of the various national teams, Mike became a " nucleus" with Mirnawan Nawawi, K Enbaraj and Azlin Fairuz to champion the cause for the relevant parties intervention to arrest the deteriorating standards of Malaysian hockey.

These 4 with other former hockey internationals created the 102 Group by petitioning to the relevant parties to intervene because of the falling standard of Malaysian hockey. According to sources, Mike played a key role and is considered as a main pillar in the whole exercise. It has been told that he was very focused and single minded in wanting to see change in Malaysian hockey. A team man, he apparently slogged hard with the other 3 to put together the so called "road map" i.e over 100 pages of proposal for the rejuvenation of Malaysian hockey. To keep everyone informed they even set-up a dedicated blog to communicate the pertinent issues.

Those who were present at the presentation undertaken by the 102 Group to the Sports Minister and also to MHF, indicate that Mike was in his element. His presentation was clear, concise and direct to the point. The post presentation discussion praises Mike on his sterling performance and many could not believe what they saw. Apparently, this side of Mike is not known to many.

The gossips further highlighted the fact that he refused a number of positions offered to him in MHF for the MHF elections. The reason given was his involvement in 102 Group and the fact that it should not be seen as a vehicle to seek positions in MHF. Although for all purposes the 102 Group came to a demise after its presentation to the Sports Minister, Mike still held on the principle that it would be ethically wrong to seek positions in MHF. Indeed when he was named into the Wawasan Committee, he was not at all keen to take up the position. He was offered a number of other appointed positions and he flatly refused them. He had a number of discussions with people over the Wawasan Committee and he took the view he would remain in it if the 102 Group's "road map" is adopted as a basis of change. The way things are heading in MHF, it would seem Mike would be also contemplating a departure from the Wawasan Committee.

Many of his friends believe that he is guided by certain key principles and holding of positions without a reason is not one of them. Further his main principles are so well moulded plus entrenched that it has made him like the immovable "Rock of Gibraltar" and asking him to compromise is expecting the island of Gibraltar to float away. His love for Malaysian hockey is undying but he believes the methodology to achieve results must be well defined without any compromise of principles. This probably makes him a misunderstood person in the hockey fraternity.

Anonymous said...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Manindergit Singh - Immovable as the "Rock of Gibraltar"
Maninderjit Singh or popularly known as Mike had been the "solid rock" defender of the Malaysian hockey team for years till the end of the 2002 World Cup.. It has been told that he was seldom substituted as a defender during a game for years, other than getting injured or spending time at the "sin bin". This strong and friendly Punjabi had always given his best for Malaysian hockey and on his retirement, he played a major role in MHF's Disciplinary Committee under the chairmanship of the late Datuk Ho Koh Chye.

Like many former hockey internationals, he is proud of his time with Malaysian hockey and he believes that when he retired, it becomes a paramount duty of the existing internationals to carry the "flame" and keep Malaysian hockey aflame with success. When the rot in Malaysian hockey set in and the continual dismal performance of the various national teams, Mike became a " nucleus" with Mirnawan Nawawi, K Enbaraj and Azlin Fairuz to champion the cause for the relevant parties intervention to arrest the deteriorating standards of Malaysian hockey.

These 4 with other former hockey internationals created the 102 Group by petitioning to the relevant parties to intervene because of the falling standard of Malaysian hockey. According to sources, Mike played a key role and is considered as a main pillar in the whole exercise. It has been told that he was very focused and single minded in wanting to see change in Malaysian hockey. A team man, he apparently slogged hard with the other 3 to put together the so called "road map" i.e over 100 pages of proposal for the rejuvenation of Malaysian hockey. To keep everyone informed they even set-up a dedicated blog to communicate the pertinent issues.

Those who were present at the presentation undertaken by the 102 Group to the Sports Minister and also to MHF, indicate that Mike was in his element. His presentation was clear, concise and direct to the point. The post presentation discussion praises Mike on his sterling performance and many could not believe what they saw. Apparently, this side of Mike is not known to many.

The gossips further highlighted the fact that he refused a number of positions offered to him in MHF for the MHF elections. The reason given was his involvement in 102 Group and the fact that it should not be seen as a vehicle to seek positions in MHF. Although for all purposes the 102 Group came to a demise after its presentation to the Sports Minister, Mike still held on the principle that it would be ethically wrong to seek positions in MHF. Indeed when he was named into the Wawasan Committee, he was not at all keen to take up the position. He was offered a number of other appointed positions and he flatly refused them. He had a number of discussions with people over the Wawasan Committee and he took the view he would remain in it if the 102 Group's "road map" is adopted as a basis of change. The way things are heading in MHF, it would seem Mike would be also contemplating a departure from the Wawasan Committee.

Many of his friends believe that he is guided by certain key principles and holding of positions without a reason is not one of them. Further his main principles are so well moulded plus entrenched that it has made him like the immovable "Rock of Gibraltar" and asking him to compromise is expecting the island of Gibraltar to float away. His love for Malaysian hockey is undying but he believes the methodology to achieve results must be well defined without any compromise of principles. This probably makes him a misunderstood person in the hockey fraternity.

Anonymous said...

Ex Staff Ipoh,

FAM ni kalau on paper, suma orang salute. Tip Top...
Tapi tu secara teorinya saja.

Praktikalnya? hancus!. Semua peraturan dan undang undang yang dibuat tidak dilaksanakan. Cakap jer besar nak bagi orang lain puji.

Liga musim ni cakap kemain tinggi lagi.... semua report akan dihantar sebaaik saja game habis secara online. Pirahhh...

Try check kat stadium mana yang ada kemudahan internet? Menyampah betul orang cakap besar ni.

Anonymous said...

kepada penonton setia

apakah yang anda tahu mengenai bidang kepengadilan????

kalau anda tidak mengetahuinya hak anda untuk melihat sahaja tetapi untuk mungkritik adalah tidak adil untuk reperi.. kerana anda tidak mengetahui apa2 di bidang kepengadilan

kalau anda berani dan berbakat sila tonjolkan diri dan menceburi bidang pengadil....

mungkin anda akan ke final world cup kerana anda lebih pandai dari colina......

Anonymous said...

So we await the decision by
the FAM Council...when is the week right ?

For the Game. For the World.

Anonymous said...

reperi setia,

hang jgn jadi bahlol. aku dah cakap ini satu cabaran buat hangpa.
Aku nak kutuk ref kayu ke... ref mangkok ke... aku punya pasal la? yang hang menyibuk bakpe?

Anonymous said...

Ex staff ipoh, hang dah kena buang dari FAM ke? hang songlap apa kat FAM? Sanggup hang tinggal berak kat tepat hang carik makan dulu naaa...

Anonymous said...


it is men like Maninderjit Singh who can make a difference.
These are people of substance.
What we need are people who do not have any political ambitions.
Pure love for the sports and willingness to work without any ulterior motives.

PRINCIPLES are important
VALUES are paramount
DETERMINATION is essential

Country man
Std Jugra

Anonymous said...

I can smell Satwant Singh here commenting abt hockey, wrong topic la bayi ....wait till rizal writes about hockey la .... he he he