Setiausaha Majlis Olimpik Malaysia (MOM) dan Timbalan Presiden Kesatuan Olahraga Amatur Malaysia (KOAM) Karim Ibrahim kawan baik. Boleh dikatakan cium molot lah dulu. Aku tahulah...
Tapi diaorang katanya bertegang urat. Baca laporan Kosmo! KOAM pokai
Kenapa ni Kok Chi, Cakap MOM ada banyak duit berjuta juta. Hutang ni bukan banyak , hanya RM 60,000 saja. Bagi KOAM perluang la.
Karim , tak payar bayar duit tu. MOM tu bukan si KOK Chi punya, KOAM sebagai ahli MOM ada la beneficiary dan duit tu pun you punya.
Bang Rizal, This is sports, why is OCM getting difficult with KOAM? It is not a big sum, and I feel it is not right to use their powers against KOAM not to send those innocent athletes to the Games over a preious debt of RM 60,000.00 incurred at the SEA Games.
This is a classic case of Dato Sieh Kok Chi abusing his powers in not sending KOAM athletes to the Games over a previous debt, if at all it is a debt.
What I understand is the monies in OCM are held in trust for the beneficiaries who are members of OCM.KOAM is a member.
This OCM and Dato Sieh nonsense have to stop immediately and Karim, do not back down on this. We support you.
karim...sape tak kenal
Tunku Imran, I feel it is time your Board make a policy decision to restrain your secretary General from making a bigger fool of himself and OCM.
Sir, the issue is sending the athletes to the Games, you know that only OCM have the rights to say the athletes can go or cannot go. You chaps have the power. The Olympic Charter says that and the Sports Development Act confirms that.
Your Sec Gen is saying that KOAM owes OCM RM 60,000 on the previous SEA Games. In the event you have a valid debt that is enforceable , go ahead sue them or use your Mediation or arbitration to have this matter resolved.
Your Sec Gen cannot come out with pistol blazing using your OCM powers to prevent these innocent athletes to go for the Games. Tunku, there is no nexus between these athletes under KOAM and the SEA Games debt.
Your SEC Gen says that Sports is a human right, I feel what OCM is doing is against the Olympic Charter, is an abuse of Power and against Human Rights. You do not want to finance KOAM athletes is your basic right, but you cannot prevent them from going to the Games.
KOAM please take note that OCM is a Sports Body defined under the SDA. Under our MACC corruption Act, OCM is a public body. In the event Dato Sieh refuses to allow the athletes go for the Games I suggest you and the athletes do the following:-
Report to SC on this matter and get the Minister to Intervene, he have the inherent power to decide anything on sports under the SDA; Complain to OCA and IOC like what the the Athletes Commission of India did and get the IOC top guns to tell OCM to follow the Olympic Charter; Report to MACC against Dato Sieh for abuse of Power and wrongful use of powers.
Apa Mr. Olympic chakap pun benar, hutang dari SEA dan hartar atlete kita ka Sukan pun tak kena menggena.
MOM ada banyak undang undang dalam pelembagaan nya, sapeti Timbang tara. Bangkit kan la isu ini di forum situ dan jika KOAM salah dan hutang duit tersebut mereka bolih hukumkan KOAM.
MOM tidak bolih halang atelete kita pergi ka sukan , itu salah guna kuasa
Bang Rizal, Thank you for high lighting this issue and I have done some checking on what Mr. Olympism has said that I think KOAM may want to consider regarding the RM 60,000 SEA Games debt. I speak purely on what OCM seem to preach and extol of their role as problem solver.
I am accusing OCM of "cakap tak serupa bikin".
Under Article 22 of the OCM constitution, it clearly states the role of OCM resolving dispute.
22.1 , says that "Any dispute between a member and OCM..." you can refer the matter to the ADR mediation. In 22.2 it talks of mediation and 22.3 refers to Arbitration.
Okay KOAM if they go to mediation under 22.2, they will surely die because OCM control the mediation process.
If they go to ADR Arbitration, they only have 10% survival because OCM will appoint the Arbitrators.
My point Bang Rizal is this. Why is Dato Sieh Kok Chi talking nonsense about Blocking the Athletes from going to the Commonwealth Games?
Why is Dato Sieh who have a problem with their member KOAM, not use Article 22 to resolve this dispute. I am not saying KOAM is right or Dato Sieh is wrong. Dato Sieh and Tunku Imran seems to talk so much about their dispute resolution, but when they are involved they conveniently forgot about it. Ini la double standard and how to respect this OCM body under Dato Sieh and the Board!
Worst still they wrongly uses their powers to force KOAM to pay up or else your athletes cannot go under category B.
Hello OCM, Category B the athletes pay themselves la and does not come out of your pocket la. This is scandalous and high time the Sports Minister carry out a full investigation on this matter.
Excuse me Mr. Olympism please read the Olympic news. Dato Sieh say members owes them about RM 200,000. If they owe they must pay back la. If everybody owes OCM, bankrupt la OCM.
If OCM don't use this threat you think the Sport organisation will pay back OCM?
Di kesempatan ini saya ingin menyampaikan ucapan takziah kepada keluarga Allahyarham Sry Angreni. Beliau begitu bersemangat dan tajam fikirannya. Semoga Roh Allahyarham dicucuri rahmat Allah s.w.t.
Hutang tetap hutang..bayar la. Takkan you punya hutang orang lain mau bayar. Apa itu human right? You owe money you pay first la. Don't talk Kok la Mr.Olympism. Saya bukan fan SKC atau Imran atau LBC. Saya pun tak suka kadang2 cara dia orang. Let's not get all too smart la. Ini simple matter.
Apa kena mengena Sport Act dengan hutang. Report to SC and Minister intervene? Baca dulu itu Akta 576 betul betul sebelum banyak cakap.
Patut la itu SC ingat dia apa pun boleh buat pasal Ada dungu macam lu.
Aiyah..suruh Shahidan bayar saja la!
Wah impressive la itu Mr.Constitution. Mana dia baca pun wa tak tau. Bro, betul kah kalau pergi Arbitration, OCM sendiri lantik arbitraitor'.
Gua tak pandai sangat macam dia tapi gua rasa mana2 pihak bertelagah mesti setuju kpd arbitrator yang dicadangkan.
Sakit hati lo baca orang pandai komen
Anon 8.58 pm, apa you cakap tu betul, you tak pandai, bila emak suruh you belajar you tak nak. Tak apa la, Mr. Constitution akan ajar you sedikit.
Di Pelembagan OCM article 22.3 pun kata,.. "parties shall agree and consent to the appointment.. from the ADR Arbitration Panel of OCM.
Anon bro. ADR Panel di lantik olih OCM mana bolih, yang sebenar nya mereka mesti lantik orang yang tidak ada kena mengena dengan OCM atau parti parti yang pertikai isu isu.
Sekarang dah ajar sikit sudah pandai , semak perlembagaan OCM dan baca supaya tak paya sakit hati lagi.
Anon 8.58pm yang penting jangan jadi "Bodoh Sombong", otak ada tapi ada kali mesti pakai akal sedikit.
Thank you for your comments OCM supporter and also Anon 8.52pm. Incidentally I have read Act 576 that is the Sports Development Act 1997.
I have no fight at all that a debt must be fully settled on that I have no quarrels with you. What I am asking is over this debt there is a dispute by KOAM. The dispute is over the SEA Games in Korat .
What I am saying is Under OCM own constitution if a party have a disbute with OCM or vice versa, why don't OCM trigger their ADR?
You see that is not even my point. My point is simply this. OCM cannot prevent athletes under category B to go to the Commonwealth Games over a debt owing by KOAM as a body.
What has SEA Games and Commonwealth games got to do with it. By so doing OCM is abusing its powers by victimising the athletes. It is like your father owes money, you the children are being punished for your father's debt!
Human Rights have everything to do with it. Because the foundation of the Olympic charter is based on Human Rights.OCM claim to follow Human Right but are they following it.
Kapada Annomous 8.52 pm dan 8.58pm. Selepas baca komen -komen yang you telah buat. Debat ini ada la, bolih ka OCM menghalang atlete atlete Malaysia pergi ka Sukan Kommenwel untuk bertanding.
Kenapa nak bangkit kan si Kok Chi , Tunku atau LBC? Itu tak kenemengena you suka mereka atau tidak.
Ini bukan isu personal atau persendirian. Agak saya mukin Si KOChi tu suruh you pertahankan nama dia la..
Dear Loose Cannon,
I have been following this debate in your Blog with gusto and interest. I dare say that this is what a Blog should be where intelligent arguments are forwarded. I am particularly interested in OCM views on the issue raised by this Mr. Constitution.
Since you and Dato Sieh Kok Chi are great friends perhaps you can start a new thread or topic to get OCM views on the matter, in particular
1. Why did OCM not used the ADR to resolve this issue with KOAM? 2. Is it right for OCM to victimise the athletes for a debt owing by KOAM; 3. Noting that KOAM is a member of OCM and a beneficiary to the TRUST created by OCM, can KOAM be considered a debtor?
I am sure you are also strongly connected to Dato Nik the Sports Commissioner, it would be interesting to see what are Dato Nik's views on the questions posed. OCM as I understand is a also a Sports body under the Sports Act. Dato Nik's view is most welcomed.
As a silent observer and I am sure there are many silent observers, it would be in the interest of sports to know whether there are limits to OCM powers.
Thank you Sir.
Ok la, guar Cuba fathom sikit. Mr constitution.
"Di Pelembagan OCM article 22.3 pun kata,.. "parties shall agree and consent to the appointment.. from the ADR Arbitration Panel of OCM."
You sendiri cakap ini macam, u pahamkah itu maksud? 'Arbitration panel' of OCM bukan olang OCM la brader. Itu semua peguam ma yang layak jadi arbitrator yang Ada kelulusan. Ini orang semua Akan dicadangkan kepada pihak pihak yang lawan ma? Kalau tak suka itu olang, cakap tak mau la, sampai ngam. Sama la macam itu tempat. Dia recommen baik punya, Lu take suka kalu cakap saja nanti dia panggil lain mari. Ini olang semua sudah masuk satu pool dalam. Dia olang takde elaun dari OCM ma..aiyoo
Lu apa lag mau ajar, tolong sikit
Hei brader LCannon,
Lu cakap sikit sama semua olang itu Nik apa boleh buat!
Satu apa pun tak boleh butulka! Dia olang tak tau kah PJS tak boleh masuk campur Itu badan sukan punya hal.
Lu cakap sikit pasal itu court kes semua sama dia orang. Itu golf lagi badminton lagi tekwando. Lu cari kasi dia olang itu hakim punya keputusan la. Kawan tolong sikit la tolong. Kalau Lu tarak tolong ah, nanti lagi manyak olang kasi itu Nik itu power dia mula mula memang tadak punya. Susah lo ini macam. Nanti mau gaduh mesti mau pegi court kes juga.
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