Venue - Studio C, Sri Pentas.
Platform - Live breakfast talk show Nasi Lemak Kopi O.
Date: June 8, 2008
Time: 8.10am
Channel - TV9
There I was, wearing an old France strip (1994-95), stating on record that Germany would win the Euros.
Invited by who else but Wan Sab for a second time, I joined Aziz Desa, Yat and TV3 sports producer Mat Yusoff to talk about the ongoing European Championship in Austria and Switzerland.
Among others, I touched on the prospect of welcoming the emergence of new stars such as Karim Benzema, Mario Gomez and Alberto Aquilani as opposed to the established ones.
I suspected France would not win the title because they might fail to translate their technical superiority into goals, while Spain would remain perennial underachievers.
There was a question from the audience on England's absence and I categorically stated that they were not good enough to qualify let alone win it, while a caller opined the state of affairs of Malaysian football.
In response, I said I don't think Malaysian football would ever reach the heights attained by the 1972 and 1980 generations, first because of the climatic conditions, our society, the mentality of the players and the structure.
Then Aziz suddenly asked about the Champions Youth Cup, and I repeated what I said on RTM1 weeks earlier that it was due to the fact that the relevant parties did not give due respect to the FA of Malaysia.
"Kenapa?" asked Aziz. My retort: "Itu kena tanyalah bekas Menteri Belia dan Sukan."
I'm down for a slot with TV3 soon.
Alla hu akhbar!!!
Bro, tiap-tiap minggu pun boleh pekena Nasi Lemak Kopi O di Studio C sepanjang Euro 2008. Jangan lupa Sunday ni juga ya?
Nasi Lemak Kopi O saja? Hehehehe
Watched the program and heard your response..I share your dislike for the "extravagence" (to be polite) of the previous minister but I think the we should focus what is happening to the development of sports in the country. As an ardent, sports fan since the 60's and 70's ...when we had our fair share of Olympians and giving Asian powerhouses a run for their money.
When the 8 Core Sports Program was launched, I had great hope that one day Malaysia's rightful place will be restored. As we know, the program was mooted by the Cabinet Commitee on Sports chaired by our Deputy Prime Minister. Two years later when sports like bowling and squash had a pool of young children exuberantly taking part in this officer from the NSC announces that the program is being 'modified'. What puzzles me is how can an officer override a committee headed by the Deputy PM? It's decisions made by officers such as this (frankly...i have only heard his name mentioned after he joined MSN in the 90's) can make decisions on the future of Sports of the country. As for the DG, after watching him questioning the integrity of the gymnastic coach who was paid for over a year...i realised we are in deep S#%T!
encik rizal memang banyak jersi lama yang saya sifatkan susah nak dapat..betul tak...tapi yang saya ralat tu, kalau simpan 3 @ 4 helai jersi adidas malaysia warna putih tu buat apa, bagi la kawan2 selai...dapat gak merasa pakai jersi yang menang emas sea games tu kan....shebby bagi kan jersi tu? hahahaha
Wansab asyik jemput kroni je :)
Wah Encik Rizal nampaknya bakal menjadi football pundit macam Shebby jugak ka? Huiii femes la lepaih nieeee... Balik raya mintak autograf noooo...
Good day, sun shines!
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