Mark loose cannon's words, England would not have it EASY in the 2010 World Cup.
The English tabloids, known for their superiority complex, have predicted a smooth passage for Fab Capello's men in South Africa next year.
E - England
A - Algeria
S - Slovenia
Y - the Yankees
Loose cannon would dismiss Spain and England's chances.
In the rough and tumble of the dark continent, teams that combine physical strength with tons of flair are highly likely to remain in contention for the semi-final slots.
"It's the moving around that may cause a lot of inconvenience and security concerns. Teams that are not able to adjust to the surroundings may struggle," said one official.
Loose cannon would pick a South American team to lift the Cup.
kenapa tak cerita dah menang 11-0 kena lah pulak 3-1, lepas tru kena belasah lah pulak satu lagi team 14-0
apa yang dah jadi dengan duania hari ini
Hello there. You have a very intellectual blog here. Since you are a sports fan too, check out my recent post regerding the 2010 world cup draw at http://hstheblog.blogspot.com/2009/12/2010-south-africa-draw-review.html and dont hesitate to comment. Thank you and have a good day and I will continue visiting here once in a while.
brazil spain final?
folwer is god but torres is the new almighty
You were wrong about Torres and Spain before,..so I think you might be wrong again bout England and Spain..:)
U mean they won't come out frm the group?
don't under estimate the yankess.
~SF Bay Area.
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