The Sportswriters Association of Malaysia (SAM) will give due recognition to its members through its annual awards, ala Pulitzer Prize, thanks to the RM100,000 grant from the Sports Ministry. Photos can be accessed at SAM exco member Ahmed Faisal Jamal's blog
here and
here and of course SAM's blog
There's also an education grant for the sportswriting family to undergo fellowships overseas.
"Sportswriting and sports media are crucial components of the sports industry. It is timely that we recognise them in an awards night with a certain degree of prestige attached to it.
"It was pointed out to me that the Malaysian Press Institute (MPI) had dropped the sportswriting category altogether from its annual event. This KBS-SAM award is therefore an opportunity to create a highly anticipated and prestigious award that is modelled after the Pulitzer Prize, " said Sports Minister, Datuk Shabery Cheek, in announcing the grant before a packed ballroom.
He was responding immediately to the speech by SAM president, Ahmad Khawari Isa of Berita Harian, who mooted the KBS-SAM colloboration minutes earlier.
The education grant will be reserved for sports journalism fellowship open to commentators, writers or photographers.
An independent panel will be formed to select the award winners and the sports journalism fellowships, said Shabery.
Later in the press conference, Shabery said he hoped the KBS-SAM colloboration is maintained even if there is a change of leadership at both the Ministry and SAM.
What's inside the goodie bag?
Former president Shaukei Kahar giving his two cents to Khawari
Blogger Christopher Raj (left) catches up with Sports Commissioner, Datuk Nik Mahmud Nik Yusof, while in the background are Shabery's press secretary, Hisham Abdul Hamid and Youth and Sports director-general, Datuk Fathul Razi Bakri and deputy Secretary-General of the Ministry, Borhan Dolah
Shabery's arrival is greeted by (from left) Ahmad Faisal Mat Piah (ex-RTM, partially hidden), Aziman Rosdi (BernamaTV), Fadzrie Hazis (Astro Awani sports editor) and Norismadi Abdul Manap (RTM sports editor)
Shabery listens intently while Khawari conducts his sales pitch
Good for immediate past president, Abu Bakar Atan, to attend the session, flanked by Youth and Sports deputy minister, Wee Jack Seng and the Italian-speaking Datuk Yasin Salleh, Secretary-General of the Ministry.
This picture reminds me of the usual practice for a political party, where new members or those who party-hop submit their membership forms in a packed press conference. Could Bernama's Zulhilmi Supaat be joining Berita Harian? Heh...
Clad in recently-bought baju Melayu, Khawari (left) is fast learning to become the consummate politician
Not to worry, SAM office-bearers are not attending the marriage course, but merely conducting an immediate post-mortem minutes after the Minister left
bro rizal,
thanks for coming.
do hope you continue to support all sam activities in the future
dulu menteri ni pernah jadi bos aku..tapi kira ok jugak lah..yang penting mutu sukan negara maju
dengan grant yang diberikan oleh Kementerian Belia & Sukan, masa untuk penulis-penulis sukan serta editor masing-masing untuk memberi tumpuan yang lebih terhadap sukan tempatan secara konstruktif. masa untuk peminat sukan tempatan dapat membaca lebih maklumat tentang perkembangan sukan negara, insyaAllah. wallahu'alam
Should SAM not consider honouring veteran sportswriters and broadcasters for the valuable service and contribution towards sports?
Since when does award, be it 'Pulitzer or Nobel Prize-styled' equals or nurtures quality? Sukan pun dah nak jadi macam industri hiburan ke? Bersepah-sepah award tapi hampeh...dont go that low SAM, please! - Once an angry young frenchman.
thanks for coming... gambar yang last tu yang x tahan tu. anyway gambar sudah di upload dalam flickr. boleh ambik la kalau mau.
bang...mintak tolong betulkan nama saya, drpd Ahmad faisal Hanapiah ke Ahmad Faisal Mohd Fiah...
Anyway, menarik dpt berjumpa dngan kebanyakan wartawan sukan Malaysia baik yg baru atau pun yg otai...
Mungkin lepas ni dpt dianjurkan forum supaya kita semua saling dpt mencambah fikiran...
KBS nak bantu dah kira canteek tu. Cuma harap2 agar penulis2 sukan semua dapat merberikan analisa, pandangan yang bernas, beretika dan base pada facts bukan main agak-agak je...
Penulis2 sukan lah yang banyak mempengaruhi peminat. ie EPL naik sebab 3/4 page penuh, liga m cuma keluar siape yg score, minit kebrapa, padang kering ke hujan... dahlah tu..part tu upah budak ambik SPM je tulis. Korang yang berpendidikan tinggi ni tulislah perkara2 yang boleh merangsang minda.
Kalau sukan kat Malaysia ni mati, Lu orang, penulis2 sukan kena tanggung sebahagian dosa sebab tak tunaikan tanggungjawab. Ingat bro's..............
Bro "Kakibola",
Betul jugak kata awak tu..sudah sampai masa penulis sukan tempatan konstruktif terhadap sukan tempatan, khususnya untuk KBS dan MSN! Laku juga SAM akhirnya (dah ada yang beli!).Tak sangka SAM jadi rakan agenda KBS...
Bro "Kakibola",
Betul juga kata awak. Penulis sukan sekarang ni kenalah lebih 'konstruktif' terhadap sukan tempatan, khususnya KBS dan MSN! Laku juga SAM akhirnya (sebab sudah ada yang beli). Tak sangka agenda baru SAM begitu rupanya.
Tahniah kpd barisan kepimpinan baru SAM di bawah Sdr Ahmad Khawari. Memang bagus la KBS tolong bg duit kat SAM utk anjurkan anugerah, tp saya lebih tertarik dgn kehadiran dan sokongan penulis sukan pada mlm buka pose tu, kat KL Hilton. Suasananya sungguh berbeza compare kat Sheraton Subang (Mentri ckp, Makan Besar SAM) tahun lalu. Ada aura yg menggamit keperkasaan semula SAM pd mlm buka pose tu, dan saya harap, Sdr Ahmad Khawari dpt segera merampas peluang untuk mengukuhkan barisan SAM demi kepentingan ahlinya. Byk lg boleh buat, jgn anugerah saja.
Eric Samuel looks relaxed and full after your meeting....
Gary Mark
Bro-bro semua,
Menarik dan penuh simbolik perkataan yang gunakan oleh "Suka Sukan" tu.."bagus juga KBS tolong bagi duit"...????
Fikirkanlah sedalam-dalamnya wahai ahli-ahli SAM sekelian..
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