Elaine Koon, darling of the nation not too long ago, is no more the flavour of the month. She has quit rhythmic gymnastics, leaving a trail of allegations aimed at the fraternity. Now read this.
The National Sports Council (NSC) wants an independent committee to look into her resignation. Yes, why not...but if the investigation is to be done thoroughly, then you will have to call the accused as well, and it could well turn ugly. And I wonder sometimes whether we still have a Sports Commissioner somewhere!
It appears NSC is really running sports in the country...because throughout my years as a journalist, NSC was never involved in dealing with doping matters. It was either MASDOCS or the ISN...so when NSC had a joint press conference exposing the six who absconded from a doping test, I was taken aback...Read here. Don't forget the Panthera stripes issue as well.
kalau yang duduk persatuan semuanyaa nak berpolitik ...ni laaa masalahnyeeee.....
Wah NSC pun sudah pandai minta independent something. Cuma dia tak sebut Loyal Commission.
Masa dulu Ada atlet terima duit elaun walaupun dah bersara apa dah jadi. NSC tak terlibat ke. Bunyi maacam NSC bau macam NSC tapi bukan NSC dah...itu Ada orang tengah dulu..China mari punya!
NSC buat kerja NSC sudah lah..tak payah lebih-lebih. Mau lebih pandai. Semuanya mau control. Aiyaah susah la ini macam kawan.
Blader lizal...nasihat sikit la.
I think the swipe you took on SC is hitting below the belt. SC function is regulatory. Elaine Koon's resignation should be dealt with by NSC because the athlete and the coach are under their jurisdiction. SC already are handicap by the half bake Sports Development Act. Appears to have power but no power . Example OCM they cannot even tell OCM off, but OCM can tell SC off. Take for example OCM AGM , SC dare not even send an observer for fear of being hentam . As regulatory body and OCM is under SC they must see the election goes well. Okay take retirement age for example . Olympic hatter say must retire at 70, but OCM Dato Sieh is pass 70 , SC dare tell him off , why ? Because OCM is NGO ka? SC must tell all above 70 must step down. Tapi tak berani bukan tak kuasa.
Sdr Rizal
This NSC under the current KP thinks he is running a political party...yu korek lagi expose sama this incompetent individual who thinks all sports association and official must kow tow to him.
Sudah sampai masanya NSC dipimpin olh Ketua Pengarah baru kerana manusia ni bila dah terlampau lama akan terkencat pemikirannya dan staff2nya pun mula berani kelencong bila 'boss' tak jujur! Elaine Koon bila berani membuat tuduhan sedemikian rupa mesti ada bukti2nya tapi yang saya takut bila ditubuhkan panel bebas ini mereka yang dilantik tidak berani buat keputusan yang bebas! Ketua Pengarah sekarang kena pergi dan baru panel bebas bolih bertindak dengan penuh amanah. Berani kah Kerajaan ganti beliau dan tutup ISN yang tidak perlu diujudkan!
bro rizal
why not u propose NSC to organise SUKMA in the state because they can do it inexpensively
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