The top two posts will be contested in the Olympic Council of Malaysia elections on May 30 after days of speculation, hearsay, mud-slinging and rumour-mongering.
Tunku Pete, OCM president since 1998, is always willing to listen, here to Shaukei Kahar and loose cannon. Nominated by Malaysian Cricket Association. If Shahidan is adamant on challenging the incumbent, Pete might ask for the Prime Minister's intervention.
See my hands? Five...I'm president of four NSAs, No 5 will be the umbrella body OCM lah...Nominated by the de facto MAAU head honcho, Karim Ibrahim, who engineered Dr Jega's exit from the athletics body in 1995
"Eh hang namakan daughter hang siapa, Azalina kah? followed by laughter was the customary exchanging of pleasantries each time Ibrahim Saad met the loose cannon in 2005...nominated by the guys from silat and sepak takraw. He might be able to work full-time at OCM and monitor what Sieh Kok Chi does...
My achievements speak for themselves...but why is a former UMNO warlord taking me on? Perhaps this thought has crossed Dr Jega's mind. Nominated by the badminton people. Some claim the former Asian sprint king could be walking away from this fight.
Retaining their posts uncontested are vice-president for women, Low Beng Choo, who withdrew from challenging Sieh Kok Chi for the secretary's post for fear of losing all, treasurer Datuk Kee Yong Wee and his assistant Rosmanizam Abdullah.
There will be a six-cornered fight for the four vice-president's seats. The incumbents seeking another term are Prof Datuk Zakaria Ahmad (nominated by MGF) who is romantically linked to someone in OCM, Prof W.Y. Chin (proposed by snooker and billiard) and Roy Rajasingham (backed by MHF). Wanting to make a comeback is Squash Rackets Association of Malaysia's Datuk Abdullah Sani Karim while former OCM general manager M.P. Haridas was nominated by MABA. A surprise candidate is Edwin Chong, ASUM's secretary, who is linked to Sieh Kok Chi. One would have thought ASUM deputy president, Zainal Othman, a more suitable candidate from the swimming fraternity to go for VP.
Assistant secretary (male) Ramlay Ibrahim will be challenged by L. Ramesh (rugby), Hisham Mohd Noor (tenpin bowling) and Lawrence Yeow (sailing).
Latifah Tan Sri Ya'cob is contesting her old post currently held by Moira Tan.
From this 2007 line-up, four have won their seats uncontested ahead of the upcoming elections.
A niece of Tun Musa Hitam, Latifah Tan Sri Ya'cob who withdrew in 2007, is campaigning hard to regain her seat despite attempts from the other camp to disqualify her
ok la tu, at least yg duduk kat ocm tak boleh goyang kaki n buat apa depa suka je...maybe we need fresh faces also in the new leadership....shahidan can win ka bro? hahahahah, kalau dia nak pakai kempen manager bagi tau la, banyak duit nak keluar tu! hahahaha
Ah! Ha! A very interesting development in OCM. What are they after? Glorifying sports or themselves. I am sure delegates to the OCM meeting will scrutiny that closely.30th May will decide OCM's fate.
You punya comment jaguh pecut will walk away. Dia patut lari bukan jalan. SKC nasib baik kalau BC masuk fight dia terus sakit jantung nanti. Kalau Dato Shahidan menang dah patut. Tunku terlampau lembut dan selalu dengar cakap SKC macan ada utang yang tertunggak dengan SKC. Apa boleh buat sudah menang tak bertanding. Keluarlah tanduk lagi. Harap new Board akan dapat control mulut SKC.
Halo, halo aku menang, tak ada orang lawan sekarang, MOM saya pegang, jangan cuba saya di ditentang. Ini lagu baru DSKC
Cek nak habaq kat Shahidan, tok sah la..elok hang dok kat Perelih tengok persatuan yang hang dah ada kasi perelok...hang bukan boleh buat apa kalau jadi presiden pun..hang jadi presiden olahraga tapi yang dok berkokok banyak hang punya lagi hang nak dok situ? Chek nasihat kat hang Shahidan..elok hang taubat dan istikarah bebanyak la..
Dah ku sangka si Beng Choo 'got no bola'. Kan senang jadi VP tak yah buat kerja. Asal dapat bodek Tunku cukuplah..line clear. Ape dia nak semua kow tim.
Shahidan mungkin tarik diri kot. Aku dengar pencalonan dia di buatnya sendiri dgn GM MAAU. Betul ke? Karim tak terlibat konon..betul ke ni?
Apasal Cik Hajah Nurminshah tak lawan Beng C***I tu. Rugi la.
Patutnya Presiden FAM jadi orang no 1 OCM. Barula sukan di Msia boleh maju macam bolasepak kita.
Aik!! Sani Karim nak masuk lagi. Yang ini 2x5 mcm Ibrahim Saad. Projek bang Projek.
So the walking chimney wants to make a comeback holding hand in hand with fellow smoker Haridass, if elected into office, my advance condolences to OCM affiliates.
superb line up...thats what we need when we need to upgrade everything as we prepare to host asian games 2018...and olympics 2020.
for the game. for the world.
Akum, I ade experien duduk dlm OCM meeting. Tapi kita org ni takde hak mengundi, Assoc Member. Ade sekali tu sorang wakil drp taekwando yg soal YAMTunku dan kutuk LBC dan SKC serta wakil MSN bertubi-tubi. Terdiam YAM Tunku dibuatnya. Si LBC dan SKC tak terjawap. Masa tu baru Habis SUKMA. SU taekwando tu bengang la dengan karenah LBCmasa SUKMA.
I sempat berbual dgn SU Taekwando tu rupa2nya sorang peguam. Patutla pun. Ikut cerita dia, taekwando dah saman PJS TSEO dan menang di mkmh.
Hah! Orang mcm dia la patut dicalonkan supaya ada watch dog kata orang. Kita org dapat Surat jemput jadi pemerhati je masa AGM OCM nanti. Kalaulah kita ni boleh pilih calon, Pasti kita calonkan Kumaresan (boleh tahan hensem dia)
Jumpe abg2 disana OK
jega cuti kat Australia. Tak payah bertanding. malau nanti.
Puteri Harapan is probably referring to T.Kumar, who as matter of fact is also involved in Malaysia Taekwondo Assoction's comtempt of court suit against Nik Mahmud the new Sports Comm. Don't play-play. And not to be mistaken with M Kumaresan, the cyclist.
Off course the MTA has withdrawn it's case against Nik Mahmud since Minister Ismail Sabri requested truce.
mari kita lihat...
siapa yang menang...
yg menang tampa bertanding...
terus berkempen...
utk kemenangan team masing2...
bro.. u kempen team mana..?
selamat berkempen!
kau tahu kenapa BC tarik diri? Pertama, Tunku nasihatkan dia supaya jangan lawan, kerana SKC "is capable of gutter campaign". Lalu, sementara tengah fikir, wrtawan BH talipn dan mendesak supaya menjawab, mahu bertanding atau tidak. BC orang bertamaddun, tidak minat dengan semua ini. Biarlah SKC dengan caranya. Lagipun, wartawan itu suka stail kurang tamaddun.
Smokers? I think you are in the wrong place. No smokers in OCM. Only toddy drinkers.
Last count 25 president's of associations have commited to support Ibrahim Saad. better for jega to leave with a clean slate. But if he wants to test his popularity and Kok Chi's dirty campaigning tricks
Wa....OCM Election lebih dasyhat dari Pilihanraya Umum Malaysia...mud slinging and below the belt blows.
Sopanlah sikit....sejak bila orang sukan main kotor...ingatkan aje orang politik tapi nampaknya orang sukan pun 2x5...kroninya pun sama juga.
Kalau nak sukan maju kita semua perlu bekerjasama...jangan sampai menjadi bubur baru nak buat sesuatu.
Yang berkempen...bersopan santun lar...yang tukang komen pun jaga mulut...kalau tidak apa bezanya anda semua dengan ahli politik.
Yang paling sekarang ialah siapa yang boleh buat kerja untuk sukan dan bukannya untuk diri-sendiri. Kalau anda dah x dapat melakukannya baiklar berundur saja dan jangan dikalahkan pada 30 Mei nanti.
Jangan jadi kawan waktu Election saje...waktu lain...lawan pulak. Tahu lar sendiri siapa anda.
brudder, takkan sekarang u nak jadi kuda ibrahim saad lak, dia nak tgk kok chi or kok chi kena tgk dia, dah bangkrap FAM dia kerjakan, org macam tu pun u support ke.
saudara rizal, kalau macam inilah anda, jelaslah anda punya agenda untuk kekawan, biarpun depa tu org yang tak guna. now, if u kata kok chi useless, u kena cermin muka u dulu sebab u nak sokong org yang useless gak, then u lagi teruklah.
buatlah homework, latifah itu kononnya dah pull out (hakikatnya takde support)....
bro.. list dah kluaq..
Survey your visitors by adding a poll ..
Thats the problem with OCM affiliates "PAK TURUT". The former assistant secretary making a comeback was actually a bankrupt whilst holding office. Off Course la the buddies in OCM advised her not to contest in 2007. Now can lah, already discharged what. Better make space for a smokers corner.
Tunku: BC BC sayang, u jangan
lawan KC ye. Nanti I
lantik u macam2 lagi ok sayang?
BC: OK MY dear Pete, make sure oversea assignments..ok
Kehadapan pelari pecut negara, jangan jadi pengecut, lawan tetap lawan. menang what. kalau menang buat kerja, kalau kalah wish all the best to ur lawanla. Dei tamby fight man fight!
aduh...sedapnya mulut Anon 6:45pm...pandai anda jaga tepi kain orang. Kalau anda tau dia seorang bankrup waktu dipegang jawatan dulu...kenapa x disqualify dia waktu tu...kenapa baru skrg nak pecah tembelang. Kalau cerita dah lupus lupa kan aje...Tuhan pun boleh memberi peluang ke2 pada manusia kenapa pula manusia x?
Kamu lebih besar dah Tuhan ke?
Bagi Anon 6:47pm pula...jaga sikit mulut...mengumpat tu dosa tau. Kalau perkara tu x pernah jadi dan anda cuma merekanya utk keseronokkan sendiri...anda mungkin boleh disaman menjatuhkan nama baik orang...
Election OCM lebih bisa dari General Election 2008. Lebih banyak mud-slinging dan personal attacks... mungkin ini semua kerje skc serta kroni-kroninya di mom...jangan sampai ditangkap atau dikalahkan.
Karim oo Karim. U pandai la Karim. U pasang SKasim dan u pasang ISaad lepas tu u buat diam je. U ingat apa MAAU mau sapu semua kah? Apasal u sendiri tak bertanding? TAKUT kah-hehehe. standed reply : O i dont like all this position u know. V only work because v LOVE sport & not to kontrol or to get position or glamour or travel or projek u know. kepala B@#$%H
orang politik-- kita tau dia politik terang-terang. Tapi org sukan punya politik, mak datuk kalah orang politik politik. "pengorbanan kita ini bukan untuk ape melainkan untuk kemajuan sukan di tanahair kita dan bukannya untuk diri sendiri".
Hoi Rizal! ini semua boleh percaya ke? Cakap sajela sambil menyelam minum air. Gua baru respek. Betul tak bro.
Alvin mesti ambil tempat ZakarRia.
Tapi Mana Sydney Tung. Mana Misbun. Mana Mumtaz. Mana Marina Chin. Mana Rabuan Pit. Mana PS Nathan. Mana Kadir Buyong. mana Raja Gopal. Mana Santokh Singh. Mana Zainal Abidin (bukan rawop). Mana...
Kepada semua yg sokong saya, saya Akan tambah elaun meeting yg saya dok bagi pada AJK saya iaitu sebanyak rm200 kpd rm500. Dtg la le mysrt perstn saya. Tak yah cakap apa pun duk diam dah. Habis mysrt org saya akan passing sampul duit kat saudara saudari. Suka tak, mestilah suka. Ramai2 pun takpe I tak kisah. Paymen gerenti punya.
Ya la dulu soal bangkrap tak timbul, kalau bukan skrg bila lagi. Susah la! Pandai u I tak boleh ikut. Bodoh u Rizal boleh ajar kot
Ramai Presiden hanya Nak Nama saja. Yg dok Buat kerja meeting meeting dan turun Padang ialah timbalan dan AJK. Kalau macam tu, 32 persatuan kebangsaan pun aku sorang boleh handle.
saudara rizal,
kok chi sedang kempen hebat untuk orang-orang buta - jega, roy dan moira. dia suka orang buta kerana mereka tak cakap banyak kerana tak tahu benda. jega hanya mahu jawatan di luar negara dan jangan lupa setiap kali dia travel dapat swiss francs. jadi, kok chi boleh buat apa saja, yang penting swiss francs masuk
u lihat senarai penolong setiausaha lelaki. Quite obvious Lawrence itu diletakkan oleh Kok Chi. Dia mahu singkir Ramlay jadi dia ajak kawannya George Heng masukkan calon bolwing sebagai korban untuk menarik undi persatuan majoriti melayu. Tak sangka masuk pula Ramesh untuk cuba nasib. Itulah Kok Chi.
why jega wants the post. he should consetrate on his lucrative phamarmacetical business and continue to rake in money by travelling (swiss francs), lecturing dan being a part time doctor sana-sini. money man lah. kok cukup suka, do what you want just support me blindly
saya dengar sejak MP Haridas ken singkir, staff ocm dalam keadaan tertekan. tak ada bvriefing, tak tahu job speks. kroni kok chi, fong wan hor sedang dgroom jadi gm. kiamat lah dunia.
I am surprised why the reporters don't write about the going s on and the half truths in ocm. maybe they don't know their job or just happy to get quotes from Kok Chi. Let sports go to hell with people like Kok Chi, George Heng, Rathnasingam, Manikavasagam
anon 8.12, first i tend to agree with u but on second tot, i won't. do u think beng choo or gang2 dia ni nak bagi statement ke?
it happened in front of me, when all of them decline to give statements, then i know why only the old guy was quoted.
Dear anon 9.02, why do u sound so latifah? hahahaha mengaku sajalah
Halo Anon 8.05 pm!
apa lu cakap. Mana satu BUTA ka BISU. Haiya manyak susah mahu paham apa lu celita la. Olang tak cakap itu BISU bukan BUTA.
Blader Lizal..u kawan apa cakap. Olang kulang pandai kita panggil apa ha? Pekak kah?
Andainya aku pergi dulu sebelum mu,
janganla kau bersedih hati,
Andainya aku tiadalagi disisi mu,
Janganla kau memencil diri,
Bayangkanla masa masa bahagia,
semasa engkau dan aku,
bermesra di ...
Nasihat saya kpd kroni MSN dlm OCM:
Sometimes its good to keep quiet and let people think you are a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubts".
After all the talk of Low Beng Choo challenging Sieh Kok ( Kok is my view of him)Chi, she has decided not to.I was also about to say that she had no balls for that and then realised that Beng Choo is a woman.So, can we blame her? But then agin, the point is, the only reason Beng Choo is not challenging Kok Chi is because, she not want to lose all that has "acquired" by her within OCM and at the international level of late.Basically, it is all about self-preservation. It has nothing to do with wanting to see the OCM grow or be THE catalyst for change. The same goes for people like the "great" Dr M Jegathesan who only claim to fame these days is to fall back on past glory.Look back.Ask what he has done for the OCM in his time as Deputy President. On the other hand, he has worked rather hard to get himself appointed to all the lucrative positions possible within the SEA, Commonwealth and the IOC.As for Kok Chi, was this not the man who went on record as saying the last time that it was his LAST term.Well, he has now changed his tune and sadly, there is no one with brass balls to take him on.Now, the only way he is going to leave office is in a box. The problem is Kok Chi thinks the OCM belongs to him. His most recent act of sheer deceit was to try and get himself appointed as a trustee for LIFE for the OCM Trust Fund to be established. It came with an annual salary of RM300,000. Another trustee was supposed to be Jeyaindran, the former OCM reasurer.Interestingly, the trust fund was to be from OCM's own money and not raised from outside. The OCM would not be able to spend the money without both Kok Chi and Jeyaindran agreeing.Such were among the terms of the fund.Perhaps, someone should ask Jega, as chairman of this committee that was supposed to have looked into the establishment of the trust fund if these allegations are true,Also ask, Roy Rajasingham, another insipid performer who was ousted from hockey but ended up in the OCM and serves to keep Kok Chi in office.Ask Jega how this document was "quietly" put before the board at the last minute and it was by chance that a board member saw the errant clauses and alerted the rest of the sleepy dwarfs about it.The document is now being reviewed. How could this happen in an organisation such as the OCM? Well, Kok Chi controls everything, and no one, even Tunku Imran as President has any real knowledge of happenings.I dare Tunku to dispute this allegation. I am convinced that like Beng Choo and perhaps with the exception of W.Y.Chin,none of the blokes have the balls to make a difference to the OCM. The men are all mere eunuchs, incapable of rising to the occasion or producing change in Malaysian sport.
Anonymous 8.34pm,
Dr Jega told me the board of trustees will comprise three independent individuals who have no connections to OCM and three more from the OCM Board. Decisions will be made by these six individuals and not by three people.
The idea is to prevent new office-bearers from spending money that does not belong to's OCM money and the board of trustees will have a say as to where the money goes to.
It is at the planning stages.
rizal hashim,
check the minutes of the meeting, ie f there is one. don't just listen to jega. that's my advise. facts cannot lie.
Rizal, since when did you start taking the words of people like Jega at face value.Ask around my friend as to what really happened at the board meeting.The fact is the money shold NOT be OCM money but be raised from other sources= similar to what hockey did.This bugger Jega has screwed OCM left, right and centre but with no legacy to show. he is shit scred of Kok Chi, afraid that the guy will work against him and he will lose all his positions. It was fear of losing that kept Jega running from his opponents then.Now, it is still fear that makes him shy away from being the eunch he is. Him losing the DP post is no loss but good for Malaysian sport.
The most stupid thing about the OCM elections is that you need need be an active member of any national associations.Al it takes is past association and some dumb association to nominate you.That is almost like the proxy system practised by the BWF, where people like Gunalan's wife represented Mozambique at elections to ensure his continued tenure in the world body . That is also how people like Sieh Kok Chi have been able to hold on to their post. the biggest culprits in all these are the national assocoations who could not xcare lees about who they endorsed or udner what circumstances. Just hitch on the OCM gravy train and enjoy the patronage of Sieh Kok Chi.
you should know better than to believe jega. i am surpised.
Secretary General FAM
Football, National team manager's
Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) vice president
Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) deputy president
MACC should check on OCM to see of any wrong doing by any present office regards to money politics or kickbacks by any response to the Trust Fund earlier trustee proposal list.
check also the agreement with the hotel operators. the mysterious agreement that many has not seen.
u ade dengar pasal OCTAGON? saya ingat itu sama macam itu OCTOPUS la manyak tangan punya! sini makan sana pun cekup, nun jauh sana pun dia boleh hantam.
Tapi ade sipolan tu bagi tau saya itu octopus dan octagon tak sama. betul kah Brader Rizal Serba Tau?
Tapi saya tengok itu olang sana dalam semua cara sama juga macam octopus. Macam itu blue ring octopus..master in chamouflage and manyak bisa la brader.
korek me if i'm wrong ok.
jega bikin rating, dua menteri sudah campak keluar. ini yang ketiga. dia tak erti zal. dia setakat hall of fame sahj. mayb muzium pun boleh, but not ocm. pleaselah bro.
Dear Mr.Rizal,
I was told about your blog only of recent and now that I'm here i must congratulate u for making an avenue for citizens to give their views and opinions they hold on the given topics. This is off course something that the main stream media will not carry. But i'm certain that the people in the sports fratenity do follow the 'stories' in this site.
I too would like to give my 2 cents worth. The OCM is the supreme orgnaization in M'sia that governs sport. This is in the eyes of the IOC. Off course every country have their own version of how things should be done with no exception to Malaysia.
The people going to be elected in the coming AGM should make a commitment and pledge to the NSAs that they will do all possible to return OCM to its rightful place. As i hv read the postings and armed with info from buddies in NSAs, the MSN seems to be dictating to the OCM board members since they control the RM.
I think enough is enough. OCM must now ask the MOF, or the PM for direct funding for OCM'a activities which includes sending teams for events. No more hand me downs from MSN.
MSN is to be in charge of training & development. No reason why all the RM from the budget for sports and recreation should be chanelled to MSN. UNLESS...
SLUMBER enough already. Wake up and do what is aspected of you. One is not placed there to be popular but to voice the NSA's needs.
If this continues even after 30 May. Then its time to alert the IOC and other international bodies on the 'governmental control & intervention' on the running of the NOC in M'sia.
My advice to NSA's is to truly know your position and state your stand. For your sports sake make a copy of the Olympic Charter & The Sports Act & Read them.
The Board should conduct seminars and sessions on knowing the Charter and the Act..unless off course...
all the best candidates!
As the day nears the AGM/ OCM Election...many of the incumbent are running around asking and even demanding from NSAs for their support and votes... but alas during this last 2 years they are no way any friendlier to the NSAs while they sits in their OCM posts.
All the best to those who work hard for the sports (incumbent and challengers) whoever you maybe...and woe to you who are there for your own selfish needs.
Ibrahim Saad has already won. For the first time Jega is calling and meeting people. Whew, that's a change and whatever the result on Saturday, Ibrahim has won.
aku dengar jega mengiggil, ngigau tak dapat tidur. tak pernah kena macam ini. sekarang mentor dia (kok chi) pun tak dapat tolong. bye, bye jega. tks for the history.
kepada para pengundi, ingat2lah staf ocm. sekarang ini setiap kali meeting, cerita sama sahj. macam dia tak apa dan dia fikir staf pu tak tahu apa. patutnya firma guamanya tak laku. yang sorang dah menang percumma pun buat sedih shj. para pengundi, ingat2 staf. pastikan ada perubahan
the validity of ocm bgm will be challenged. only one candidate (jega) has been given the list of delegates. looks like norminshah (whatever he name is) did not do the job well. official report to sc on monday. better for jega to withdraw.
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